FAQ and articles to learn about Sushi and DeFi. Crafted by the Samurai.

General 📚

How to install and create an account on MetaMask

Changing networks on MetaMask

How to add a custom network on Metamask

How to change RPC on MetaMask

How to add an unlisted token on MetaMask

How to speed up and cancel transactions on MetaMask

How to cancel a transaction with a Custom Nonce?

How to reset your account on MetaMask

How to change an account connected to Sushi in MetaMask

How to connect a wallet on Sushi

How to change a network on Sushi

How to change your wallet on Sushi

What is a private key?

What can I do to protect myself against scammers?

What is a hardware wallet?

What is Blockchain?

What is a Smart Contract?

What is DeFi?

What is a Blockchain Explorer?

What is Arbitrage?

How many chains is Sushi deployed on?

Where can I stake my Sushi?

How do I list my token on Sushi?

Swaps 💱

How to swap a token on Sushi

How to add a custom token to the swap/pool panel

What is a token approval?

Using limit orders

What is slippage and price impact?

How to change slippage

How to enable/disable expert mode

How to enable/disable mutlihops

How to swap and send to another address

About OpenMEV gas rebates

How are swap fees distributed?

I didn’t receive wETH. Where is my wETH?

X/Y/Z token hasn’t arrived!

Liquidity Pools 🤽

How to add liquidity on Sushi

How to remove liquidity on Sushi

Importing a pair that does not appear on Sushi’s interface

How does a liquidity pool benefit xSushi holders?

How can I calculate the fees I have earned?

What is impermanent loss?

Why is my pool different from the market rate?

I added liquidity and got arbitraged. What happened?

Migrating liquidity from another AMM

Farming 🍣🧑‍🌾

Getting started with MasterChef (Farms)

How to stake in a Farm

How to harvest rewards from a Farm

How to unstake from a Farm

What is the difference between the Onsen and Kashi farm?

What is a 2x reward Farm?

What is the difference between MasterChef, MasterChefv2 and MiniChef?

Why can’t I withdraw from or harvest my farm?

Trident 🔱

What is Trident?

What is the difference between Trident’s Classic and Legacy pools?

Migrating Legacy pools into Trident

BentoBox 🍱

Getting started with BentoBox

What is BentoBox?

Where can I view my tokens inside Bentobox?

What is a flash loan?

What is a Bentobox strategy?

Kashi 🍜

What is Kashi?

Getting started with Kashi

How to lend on Kashi

How to borrow & leverage on Kashi

How to repay your loan on Kashi

How do I create a new lending pair on Kashi?

How is Kashi different from other lending platforms like Aave & Compound?

Why is the borrowing % rate always higher than the supply % rate?

What tokens can I use as collateral?

Why is my interest rate not fixed?

What is an elastic interest rate?

Why does interest rate not increase immediately when utilization is over 80%?

What is a KM/KMP token? Why doesn't it’s balance increase?

What is LTV (Loan-To-Value)?

How can I calculate the fees I've earned on Kashi?

What is triple yield? (Bentobox + Kashi + Onsen)

Why does Kashi not allow me to withdraw the funds I lent out?

Why can't I locate the tokens I borrowed on Kashi?

What is a liquidation and how does it work?

What is an Oracle?

What is Chainlink?

What is a TWAP Oracle?

How does Kashi benefit xSUSHI holders?

Miso 🥣

What is MISO?

How do I take part in MISO auctions?

How do I launch my own project?

What is a Dutch auction?

What is a Batch auction?

Claiming tokens after an auction

SushiBar 🍣🍷

Getting started with the SushiBar (xSUSHI)

What is SushiBar/xSUSHI staking?

How does xSUSHI work?

How to stake/unstake in the SushiBar

Tools 🛠️

What is Inari A.K.A Yield Strategies?

How do I use Inari?

What is $MEOW?

Getting started with MEOWSHI

Governance 📣

What is a DAO?

What is Sushi Governance?

How do I participate?

How do I create a proposal?

What is a Snapshot?

How do I vote on a Snapshot?