If you hold xSushi or any of the other forms of SushiPowah - you will be eligible to vote on any proposal submitted. All proposals are listed on the Snapshot website.


Select the proposal you wish to weigh your vote on and connect your wallet. If you have voting power, you will be able to cast a vote.



You will be prompted to sign a transaction via your wallet but it will not cost you any gas fees at all. Once you’re done, you should see your vote accounted for at the top of the list.


If you are unsure on what to vote for and wish to delegate your vote to another party, you can do so via https://snapshot.org/#/delegate/sushigov.eth.

After voting, be sure to claim and mint your complementary POAP (Poof of Attendance & Participation) NFT. The badge may take a few days to be implemented, so be sure to check back at a later time if that’s the case.
