If you suddenly find yourself being unable to withdraw your SLP tokens or harvest your rewards from the MiniChef farm on any Layer 2/sidechain network, then it is most likely that the contract has run out of rewards. In instances like this, the team from Sushi has to bridge and deposit more tokens into the rewarder contract. This operation takes a few days as it is done via a multi-sig process.

Note: $SUSHI rewards are provided directly from Sushi, while rewards in other tokens are typically provided by their own respective protocols.

You can monitor the MiniChef contracts on the block explorer and periodically check to see if their rewards have been replenished. Alternatively, you can interact with the contract and call a withdrawal function through the block explorers. If you decide to go that route, do note that your rewards will still remain in the farm for you to harvest later.

Do not call the emergencyWithdraw function, this will forfeit all your token rewards!

Polygon MiniChef

Contract Address 0x0769fd68dFb93167989C6f7254cd0D766Fb2841F | PolygonScan

xDAI/Gnosis MiniChef

MiniChefV2 (0xdDCbf776dF3dE60163066A5ddDF2277cB445E0F3) - Gnosis Chain Explorer

Arbitrum MiniChef

Contract Address 0xF4d73326C13a4Fc5FD7A064217e12780e9Bd62c3 | Arbiscan

Fantom MiniChef

Contract Address 0xf731202A3cf7EfA9368C2d7bD613926f7A144dB5 | FtmScan

Celo MiniChef

MiniChefV2 (0x8084936982D089130e001b470eDf58faCA445008) - Celo Explorer