You can access MISO auctions by clicking the ‘MISO’‘Marketplace’ tabs located at the top of Sushi’s UI. The page will show you a panel of the current, upcoming & finished auctions.


Participating in an Auction

Prior to participating in an auction, do take time to look through the information provided. Ensure that it is the genuine auction for the project you are looking to buy into; not an imitation or scam. This can be determined by looking at details such as:

Pretty much everything is of importance when determining the legitimacy of a project launch. Even with the assessment of everything listed above, it may still be wise to consult related social media/support from existing protocols to verify if they are actually the ones running the auction.

If everything checks out and you are prepared to commit to the auction, you’ll find that doing so is very easy. Simply input the amount you want to commit into the ‘Participate’ tab as shown.


You will need to Approve the currency before committing the bid into the auction. This is a requirement for every new auction you participate in, since every single contract is different. After approving the contract, the button will now display ‘Commit’.




Once you click ‘Commit’, you will be given one final prompt. The UI will also show your committed swap rate. Click ‘Confirm Commit’ and approve the transaction to finalize your participation.