Sushi is currently deployed on the following networks:


Below are the steps to gain access to the analytics for your desired chain. These tools are invaluable for ensuring that you do clean trades without being subjected to price impact by high slippage. They will also allow you to keep track of fee incomes, overall APR for pairs, and pricing trends.

Step 1: Switch to your desired network.


Step 2: Select the ‘Analytics’ tab & then ‘Dashboard’ in the drop down box.

You may also access the test networks for each deployment such Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, and Goerli for Ethereum. Some L2 chains have variable usability as well - not all functions may work depending on where/what you are trying to test.



It is very important to note that although Sushi is deployed and usable on all of these networks, it does not mean that favourable liquidity is available for the trades that you wish to make. Always check the analytics before committing to a large trade or the results of your trade may turn out unfavourable. Analytics and gas estimations are not available for all networks, so you may have to resort to using block explorers. In the event that you are having issues with the analytics on the Sushi app, you can use the legacy analytics as linked on some of the listed chains above.