If you have a great idea and want to help improve the Sushi Ecosystem, you can create a proposal on the Sushi forum and share it with other community members to get feedback on it.

Here are the steps on how to create a proposal on the forum:

Step 1: Head over to https://forum.sushi.com and create an account.

Step 2: On the home page, click the ‘Proposals’ button.


Step 3: Once in, click the ‘New Topic’ button.


Step 4: A pop up box should appear at the bottom of your screen. Draft your proposal in it and click ‘Create Topic’ to post it!


Step 5: To get more traction on your proposal, don’t hesitate to share it on Discord and Twitter.

Once your proposal gains enough traction, it will be posted on snapshot by the team from Sushi. If the voting conducted on your proposal is successful, it will be implemented accordingly.