It's quite easy to stake in the SushiBar.

Staking Your Sushi

Step 1: Head over to the staking interface -

To access it from Sushi’s UI, click on the ‘Explore’‘Sushi Bar’ buttons.


Step 2-1: Enter the amount of SUSHI you want to stake. If it’s your first time staking SUSHI, you’ll have to Approve’ it first.


Step 2-2: Once approved, you can click the ‘Confirm Staking’ button to execute the transaction.


Step 3: Congratulations! You now have xSUSHI in your wallet.

Unstaking Your xSushi

Step 1: Head over to the staking interface -

To access it from Sushi’s UI, click on the ‘Explore’‘Sushi Bar’ buttons.


Step 2: Enter the amount of xSUSHI you want to unstake and click the ‘Confirm Withdrawal’ button to execute the transaction.


Step 3: Congratulations! Your SUSHI are back in your wallet!