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Bentobox (sometimes referred to as Bento) is a smart contract acting as the central vault for the entire Sushi ecosystem. Similar to how the banking system is the base-layer for financial operations in traditional finance, Bentobox is the base-layer for all future financial instruments Sushi intends to offer. In simple terms, Bentobox is like an Operating System powering your phone and Sushi’s products such as Trident, Limit Order, or Kashi are deemed as applications.


What are the benefits of Bentobox?

You may be wondering why we need Bentobox as the base layer for Sushi apps. Here is a list of the principal components and advantages that Bentobox offers when dApps are built on top of it:

For users

For developers

More information

How to deposit and withdraw from Bentobox?

If you are using a protocol built on top of Bentobox like Kashi or Trident, then there is no need to deposit your assets in it. It is automatically done for you.

If you have some assets in your wallet and want to generate a small yield or use the Limit Order function, you have to deposit them in Bentobox.

However, do take into account that Bentobox's APR will always be lesser than that of a dedicated yield aggregator as it’s sole purpose is only to generate extra yield for dApps built on top of it**.**

Depositing into Bentobox

If you are new to Bentobox, it is highly recommended to try it out first on a cheap chain. In this article, we will be using Bentobox on Polygon.

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Portfolio’ section on Sushi’s UI


Step 2: Locate the asset you want to deposit from your wallet, click on it and select ‘Deposit to BentoBox’.

In this example we will deposit some USDC.
