Thanks to the isolated lending architecture of Kashi, anyone can create a new/unique lending pair. Users would just need to pay the gas fees to deploy the contract of the new pair. Any token with a Chainlink price feed can be used.

Step 1: Head over to To access it from Sushi’s UI, click on the ‘Kashi’‘Lend’ → ‘Create Market’ buttons.


Step 2: Make sure the pair you want to create doesn’t already exist or the UI will reject your request.

Step 3: Select the ‘Asset’ & ‘Collateral’ for your pair. In the below example, we’ll use ETH and RGT.


Step 4: Select an ‘Oracle’ and then **click on the ‘Create Market’ button. Confirm the transaction.

Congratulations! You’ve just created a new Kashi pair. ✅